
10 most evil people in history: foulest beings to ever live

Throughout history, there have been individuals who have been notorious for their despicable behaviours and actions. These individuals have earned the reputation of being the most evil people in history ever to live. From their vile acts to unapologetic attitudes, they are remembered for their darkness and malice.

12 Mistakes in The Princess Diaries That We Can Condone Just Because We Love the Saga

Its been 21years since The Princess Diaries was released, and when wewatch ittoday, wecant help but feel nostalgic. Ithas the power tomakeus smile and think ofhappier times. The movie managed tolaunch Anne Hathaway tofame and made her the most beloved princess ofthe millennial generation. Not only that, but italso made ofJulie Andrews, the most adorable

12 Weird Photos That Need Explaining Right Now

Inthe era ofsmartphones and affordable cameras, people are taking pictures ofevery moment oftheir lives. Infact, people were predicted totake 1.2 trillion digital photos in2017. Thanks tothis technology boost, itiseasy tocapture stunning and strange things inyour environment and immediately share them with the world.

21 Realistic 3D Tattoos Only the Bravest Would Dare to Get

3Ddrawings can hardly surprise anyone these days. But 3Dtattoos look just ascool. Only top-notch professionals can create a3Dtattoo offlowers, abstract objects, and even ordinary camping tents that look absolutely real. Today, wepresent you with acollection ofsuch masterpieces!

300+ great anime usernames for your online persona

Anime boasts fans of all ages, and apart from entertainment, viewers can learn a thing or two. Some die-hard fans of the genre have adopted anime usernames on social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc. It can be a character from your favourite anime show or movie. Which username fits your online persona?