10 People Reveal Truly Creepy Stories About Their Ex

Posted by Martina Birk on Monday, August 5, 2024

Ending a relationship is never easy. For some couples, the distance between them grows slowly over time, while others face unexpected shocks or sudden events that quickly end their bond. Although every breakup has its own story, these people bravely reflect on the moments their love came to an end, sharing their creepy stories with millions on the internet.


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Strange things started happening in my apartment. My things were moved, windows left open, and I found a creepy note: "I miss you." Terrified, I installed a camera. When I checked the footage, I saw my ex walking around my apartment while I was sleeping. He left flowers and chocolate and left. Turns out he had a spare key all this time.

I moved out immediately, changed all my numbers, and stayed with a friend for a while. But even now, I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night, convinced I hear his footsteps.


My friend's wife asked him to get something out of her car. She then locked him in the garage and called the police, claiming he'd attacked her. He winds up in jail overnight (having done nothing that she claimed he did).

When he returned home, he found that she'd meticulously dismantled his notebook computer, carefully cutting each cord and cable, snapping every rigid component, opening the hard drive and snapping each individual disk platter in two, placing the display panel into a baggie and methodically shattering every square inch with a hammer.

She was mad because he was working too much. He kept all the broken parts in a cardboard box in his trunk as a reminder to carefully evaluate every future relationship.

veejaygee / Reddit


He painted my name all over his bedroom, bathroom, and living room. He proposed and Photoshopped us into wedding pictures, sending invites to all his and my family and friends. He even found an ultrasound photo online and tried to announce on Facebook that we were expecting a baby. He shaved our initials into his cat's fur and left hundreds of love letters taped to my car.

We went on half a double date with friendsā€”I was just being a good sportā€”then I noped out when he proposed as soon as my food arrived. The rest of the craziness unfolded over the next week. We had only gone on one date.

Unknown author / Reddit


We agreed that sheā€™d collect her stuff from ā€œourā€ place when we broke, without me being there. I arrived later that evening to find two gas valves opened, so I guess Iā€™m lucky I didnā€™t light a cigarette.

Jehuy / Reddit


She cut out my head from yearbooks and put them on corkboards on her headboard. One of her friends told me she did, and so I wanted to see for myself. She was working during the day, and I was close with her brother, who let me in. I walked in and, sure enough, my head on a bunch of muscular bodies that weren't mine. I broke up with her the next day after seeing the Hey Arnold-esque shrine.

Following the breakup, she would drive on my street and stop and wait outside and see if my light was on. It wasn't, mainly because I knew she would do that. Then she would call me and leave voicemails of her breathing rather heavily.

Unknown author / Reddit


I worked all day to pay the bills while she brought a homeless guy home and let him live in our house without my knowledge. He ate my food, played my games, and even slept in the same bed with my girlfriend ā€” all while I paid for everything.

Months later, I tried to rekindle the flame, but it went sour. A week later, I got the "I'm pregnant" text. After many long nights of deep thinking about life, I accepted that I needed to be a father to my child. Another week passed, and she sent me this: "It's not actually yours, it's the homeless guy's. I just thought you'd be a good dad."

jnmwr / Reddit


Photoshopped ultrasound pictures, positive pregnancy test pictures etc. in order to enhance a lie that I had gotten her pregnant. She would call me 10 times a day crying and screaming at me with very graphic and very believable details. It gets way worse than that, but that paints a pretty clear picture.

NlightNme23 / Reddit


My ex-wife called me a week after the divorce was final, and it went something like this:

Ex: What are you going to do now to win me back?

Me: Wait! You are the one that filed for divorce! You are the one that took it to court! You are the one that divorced me!

Ex: I had to get rid of the old dead marriage so we could have a fresh new one.

DrProfessor*** / Reddit


She let herself in my sidedoor, after we had broken up, sat on my bed in silence, waited for me to wake up, just staring at me in the dark. I was so terrified, not knowing who it was, my adrenaline went off, and I pushed her off the bed and across the room. She said, "I'm sorryā€¦I'm sorry," and let herself out. I've locked the door every night since. This was 3 years ago.

NE1NE1NE1NE1 / Reddit


I often hit the gym with my friends. Once, while changing into my workout clothes, I noticed something strange ā€“ my gym shirt had been cut. It was weird, but luckily, my friend had a spare one.

The next morning, my girlfriend looked pale and terrified. She said, "I've got something to tell you." What she said next made me instantly regret dating her. Turns out she'd cut up my gym shirt because she thought I was cheating.

She believed that if I didnā€™t come home after finding the cut shirt, it meant I was spending time with someone else. She broke up with me that day.

Life is filled with moments that can really change how we see things. In this article, 10 people talk about experiences that made a big difference in their lives. Whether their stories are happy or difficult, they give us a glimpse into the events that shape who we are.
