Cellulite affects about 80-90% of women at some point in their lives. And although it’s not a serious medical condition, the “cottage cheese” on your butt and thighs may significantly ruin your image. Luckily, regular exercising might help you strengthen your muscles, improve blood circulation in the affected areas, and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
11. Butterfly leg raises

The initial position: Lie on your back with your arms by your sides, your legs crossed in a butterfly position and the soles of your feet together.
What to do:
- Contract your abdominal muscles and the muscles of your legs.
- Keeping your arms on the ground, raise your legs toward the ceiling.
- Hold for 4-5 seconds, then release your muscles and slowly return to the initial position.
Repeat: 15-20 times.
Results: Butterfly leg raises work on your inner thighs, hips, and abs. They improve your flexibility and help get rid of the extra fat in your legs and buttocks.
10. Knees-to-chest hugs

The initial position: Lie flat on your back with your legs straight and your arms by your sides.
What to do:
Repeat: 10-15 times
Results: Knees-to-chest hugs stretch the muscles of your buttocks and stabilize your pelvis. Besides reducing cellulite, they will help you relieve muscle spasms and get rid of sciatic nerve pain.
9. Single-leg bridge

The initial position: Lying on your back with your knees bent and hip-width apart, your feet flat on the floor, and your arms by your sides.
What to do:
- Raise your left leg and extend it out in front of you.
- Keeping your left leg straight, raise your hips and buttocks to make a bridge. Your thighs should form a straight line with your upper body.
- Hold the bridge for 20-30 seconds, then slowly return to the initial position.
Repeat: 8-12 times on each leg
Results: The single-leg bridge strengthens the muscles of your glutes and thighs, helps tone up your body, and sculpt your buttocks.
8. Wall sit
The initial position: Standing against the wall with your legs shoulder-width apart and your feet flat on the floor.
What to do:
- Keeping your back against the wall, move your feet forward about 2 feet away from the wall.
- Slide your back down the wall by bending your knees until they reach a 90-degree angle. Make sure that your knees are directly above your ankles.
- Hold the position for 30-60 seconds, then straighten your legs and return to the initial position.
Repeat: 10 times
Results: Wall sitting will help you burn fat, tone up your body, and reduce the appearance of cellulite on your buttocks and thighs.
7. Side lunges
The initial position: Standing with your legs slightly wider than shoulder-distance apart and your toes pointed forward.
What to do:
- Take a large step out to the right.
- Slowly shift your bodyweight to your right leg by bending your right knee until it reaches a 90-degree angle. Keep your left leg straight.
- Return to the initial position and repeat the exercise on the opposite side.
Repeat: 8-12 times on each leg
Results: Side lunges target your quads, glutes, and inner and outer thighs. They will help you tone your lower body, and improve your balance and blood circulation in this area.
6. Downward dog split

The initial position: Standing in the downward dog pose with your arms and legs straight, your palms and feet flat on the floor, and your hands and legs shoulder-width apart.
What to do:
- Inhale and extend your right leg up so that the leg and your upper body are in line.
- Exhale and return to the initial position.
Repeat: 8-10 times on each leg
Results: The downward dog split will help you open your hips, stretch the muscles of your thighs, and strengthen your legs and abdominals.
5. Single-leg circles
The initial position: Lying flat on the ground with your legs straight and your arms at your sides with the palms facing down.
What to do:
- Keeping your left leg flat on the floor, raise your right leg to the ceiling.
- Slowly begin making a circle with your right leg. Make sure that both of your legs stay straight.
- Reverse the direction of your circles and continue doing the exercise.
Repeat: 5-8 circles in each direction with each leg
Results: Single-leg circles improve your core strength and pelvic stability. They also strengthen your quads and hamstrings and help reduce the signs of cellulite on your buttocks.
4. Clamshell exercise

The initial position: Lying on your left side with your knees bent at a 45-degree angle, your legs stacked, and your head placed on your left lower arm.
What to do:
- Keeping your feet together and using your right arm to stabilize your body, raise your right knee as high as you can. Don’t shift your hips or pelvis.
- Without pausing at the top, go back to the initial position.
Repeat: 20 times on each side
Results: The clamshell exercise works best on your hips, glutes, and pelvis, prevents injury in these areas, and eases the tension in your lower back. It also helps restore balance in the muscles of your legs and hips.
3. Donkey kicks
The initial position: Standing on your knees and hands with your arms shoulder-width apart and your back straight.
What to do:
- Keeping your knee bent, lift up your left leg until your left thigh is parallel to the floor and your left calf is perpendicular to it.
- Hold the pose for 5 seconds, then go back to the initial position.
Repeat: 10 times with each leg
Results: Donkey kicks target the spot where your glutes and hamstrings meet and help tone up the muscles of your buttocks.
2. Plié squats
The initial position: Standing with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and toes pointed out at 45 degrees.
What to do:
- Keeping your back straight and abs tight, bend your knees, and lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
- Hold the position for a few seconds.
- Squeeze your glutes and return to the initial position.
Repeat: 10-15 times
Results: Plié squats are the most effective for reducing cellulite as they target almost all affected areas including your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and inner thighs.
1. Forward lunges

The initial position: Standing with your feet hip-width apart, your elbows bent at your sides, and your fists clenched.
What to do:
- Take a big step forward with your right leg while moving your left arm forward and your right arm backward at the same time.
- Bend your knees and slightly lower your body until your right thigh is parallel to the floor and your right shin is vertical. Both your knees should form an angle of 90 degrees.
- Hold the pose for about 3-5 seconds, then return to the initial position.
Repeat: 12-15 times on each leg
Results: Lunges will tone your body, strengthen the muscles of your legs and buttocks, and reduce the appearance of cellulite on these areas.
Please note: This article was updated in April 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Illustrated by Alena Tsarkova and Natalia Okuneva-Rarakina for Bright Side