There are faces that we recognize immediately, no matter what the situation is, because we’ve seen them so many times in movies and on TV shows. Of course, we’re talking about celebrities. And some of them have this particular skill of not aging at all, as if they have truly found the fountain of youth. But the celebrities that do age usually do it in such a graceful way that they look even better than when they were younger. It’s as if being in their 50s just suits them perfectly.
And because we were wondering how they manage to look so great, even when they become older, Bright Side decided to make a compilation of celebs that are rocking the aging process. After all, no matter how you age, you should accept your body as it is. Maybe that’s their secret!
1. Jennifer Lopez
2. John Stamos
3. Elijah Wood
4. Sandra Bullock
5. Salma Hayek
6. Antonio Banderas
7. Gwyneth Paltrow
8. Paul Rudd
9. Julia Roberts
10. Lucy Liu
11. Tom Cruise
12. Rob Lowe
13. Jennifer Aniston
14. Sofia Vergara