Argonians are a well-known lizard-people race in fantasy worlds. They are covered in scales, sometimes adorned with feathers or horns and a wide, long tail. They also have a long and illustrious history in the Elder Scrolls universe. Argonian names are a fantastic way to encourage you to be more creative when naming your character.

Have a look at some of the most popular argonian names out there.
Cool single male argonian names
The following are some examples of single argonian names.
- Amusei
- Antigonacles
- Antigonandros
- Asum
- Augustacles
- Augustula
- Augustus
- Bunish
- Busheeus
- Caligacles
- Chalureel
- Chiwish
- Chulz
- Chuna
- Claudacles
- Deekus
- Demetrula
- Demetrus
- Diocletios
- Dreekius
- Germanides
- Haran
- Hathei
- Heedul
- Herian
- Huleeya
- Huzei
- Inee
- Itan
- Julula
- Julus
- Madesi
- Meer
- Milos
- Neetinei
- Neracles
- Nerula
- Nerus
- Okaw
- Peeradeeh
- Pilacles
- Pilula
- Pilus
- Rasha
- Reemukeeus
- Reesa
- Seewul
- Skeetul
- Tanan
- Teegla
- Tibacles
- Tul
- Ukawei
- Ula
- Utadeek
- Weeltul
- Weer

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Hyphenated Argonian male names

Check out these creative and cool argonian names:
- Ah-Malz
- Ajum-Kajin
- An-Zaw
- Beela-Eeto
- Beem-Kiurz
- Bun-Teemeeta
- Chath-Jat
- Dan-Ru
- Dar Jee
- Deetum-Ja
- Dreet-Lai
- Effe-Tei
- Eleedal-Lei
- Er-Teeus
- Gah Julan
- Gam-Kur
- Geel-Lah
- Geem Jasaiin
- Gin-Rajul
- Gin-Wulm
- Haj-Ei, Han-Tulm
- Ixtah-Nasha
- Jee-Tah
- Jeetum-Ze
- Mach-Makka
- Meeleeh-Een
- Mere-Glim
- Nulaz-Eidu
- Odeel-Eeto
- Odeel-Shehs
- Oleed-Ei
- Olik-Jaa
- Pad-Ei
- Rahu-Teemeeta
- Reek-Koos
- Reezal-Jul
- Tai-Tai
- Tar-Makka
- Tar-Meeus
- Tee-Wan
- Tun-Zee
- Tun-Zeeus
- Vetra-Lar
- Vetra-Maxath
- Weebam-Na
- Wideem-Voh
- Wuja-Chath
- Xal-Geh
- Xhon-Mehl
- Xil-Jekka
Tamrielic argonian male names

Argonian names are full of fascinating locations, adventures, and characters. Good examples of Tamrielic names include:
- Also-He-Washes
- Back-Wash
- Basks-In-Darkness
- Basks-in-Gardens
- Basks-In-The-Sun
- Bathed-in-Steel
- Bathes-In-Blood
- Big Head
- Big Head
- Black-Scale
- Cat-Face
- Counts-the-Clouds
- Croon-Tail
- Cuts-with-the-Grain
- Cuts-with-Words
- Dazzling-Tail
- Deep-in-Cups
- Deep-In-His-Cups
- Deep-Thoughts
- Dives-From-Below
- Doubts-the-Moon
- Drawing-Flame
- Dreaded-Water
- Eager-to-Leave
- Eats-Aged-Meat
- Eats-Loves-Kills
- Fine-Mouth
- Furl-Of-Fresh-Leaves
- Gash-Tail
- Grey-Throat
- Grey-Throat
- Hauls-Ropes-Faster
- Hears-Voices-In-The-Air
- Hides-His-Eyes
- Hides-His-Foot
- Hides-His-Heart
- High-Heart
- Hunting Tail
- Morning-Star-Steals-Away-Clouds
- Nelix Fly-Breath
- Nine-Toes
- Only-He-Stands-There
- Raven Biter
- Right-Foot-Rock
- Right-Wind
- River-Gills
- Runs-Across-Water
- Runs-in-Wild
- Runs-With-Quickness
- Scale-Song
- Scar-Tail
- Scattered-Leaves
- Scouts-Many-Marshes
- Shady-Scales
- Silver-Gills
- Sings-Like-Thunder
- Skink-in-Tree's-Shade
- Sleeps-Beneath-Filth
- Smart-Snake
- Smokeskin-Killer
- Stabs-Through-Hearts
- Stands-In-Shallows
- Stream-Murk
- Swims-In-Swells
- Tames-the-Beast
- Tempers-Well
- Ten-Tongues Weerhat
- Thick-Spine
- Tongue-Toad
- Tooth-in-the-Sea
- Trills-So-Sweet
- Twice-Bitten
- Wallows-Much
- Wanders-In-Tatters
- Watcher-From-Afar
- Watches-The-Roots
- Watches-Water
- Water-Chaser
- Weaves-Nets
- Weaves-One-Basket
- Wind-In-His-Hair
- Wind-in-Sails
- Wins-Many-Contests

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Cool single female argonian names

These female argonian name ideas may help you while naming your character.
- Ahaht
- Akish
- Aphatea
- Aphrodite
- Artatea
- Artrodite
- Athia
- Athomeda
- Banalz
- Beekatan
- Beelei
- Beewos
- Bejeen
- Deetsan
- Demosyna
- Demrodite
- Druja
- Eutei
- Gilm
- Gish
- Hecatea
- Hecosyna
- Hecrodite
- Heratea
- Herrodite
- Hul
- Judosyna
- Judrodite
- Kasa
- Macedithea
- Macedomeda
- Marz
- Milah
- Nakuma
- Neesha
- Nikatea
- Nikosyna
- Nikrodite
- Numeen
- Nuralg
- Nush
- Ocheeva
- Okur
- Onasha
- Pasha
- Peratea
- Peria
- Peromeda
- Perrodite
- Rana
- Shaleez
- Shatalg
- Skaleel
- Tabatea
- Tabrodite
- Tasha
- Teratea
- Terosyna
- Terrodite
- Tlaiuhticah
- Tlatiz
- Tuwul
- Ukasha
- Uko
- Vaxeeh
- Wemeerit
- Wiku
- Wita
- Witseidutsei
- Wusha
Hyphenated argonian female names

Here are some samples of argonian names that you can edit on your own:
- Adzi-Mota
- Ah-Kajul
- Ah-Meesei
- Ah-Mudeska
- Am-Eepa
- Am-Jasuda
- Am-Ra
- An-Deesei
- Az-Loh
- Beel-Ranu
- Bura-Natoo
- Bur-Meema
- Chana-La
- Chanil-Lee
- Chanil-Wei
- Chee-Dum
- Cheesh-Meeus
- Dakee-Kia
- Dan-Meesei
- Dar-Liurz
- Dar-Ma
- Deesh-Meeus
- Deet-Waska
- El-Lurasha
- Ereel-Lei
- Geeh-Dooka
- Geeh-Jaseen
- Gih-Ja
- Hal-Liurz
- Han-Mota
- Hara-Na
- Heed-Meeus
- Heek-Sa
- Jaxa-Kel
- Jeed-Ei
- Kal-Ma
- Keel-Raniur
- Keema-Ru
- Kud-Ei
- Mach-Na
- Meeh-Mei
- Meenai-Enoo
- Meenai-Makka
- Meen-Sa
- Meer-Zish
- Mewah-Lee
- Mim-Jas
- Mim-Jeen
- Mim-Naza
- Mujee-Naat
- Murak-Lei
- Muz-Gei
- Muz-Ra
- Na-Kesh
- Nam-Ja
- Nam-La
- Nam-Teeus
- Neeja-Meen
- Neeta-Jasa
- Neeta-Li
- Neeta-Meemaj
- Nesh-Tan
- Nolu-Azza
- Nomu-Goh
- Nuleem-Malem
- Odeel-Medul
- Odeel-Tul
- Okan-Jeen
- Olana-Nee
- Olank-Neeus
- Oleed-Lahs
- Omee-Naelix
- Onai-Ruul
- On-Nei
- Onurai-Maht
- On-Wan
- On-Wazei
- Otumi-Wulm
- Owai-La
- Owai-Liurz
- Ozumi-Wan
- Pash-Riha
- Peek-Ereel Seif-ij Hidja
- Peek-Majin
- Peek-Sa
- Rabeen-Ei
- Reeh-Li
- Reeh-Nur
- Ree-Nakal
- Ree-Zish
- Seed-Neeus
- Seen-Rei
- Sheer Meedish
- Tar-Meena
- Tsona-Ei
- Tumma-Shah
- Tunbam-Na
- Uwa-Meenus
- Veeka-La
- Veth-Veidal
- Vos-Huruk
- Weebam-Jaseen
- Weedum-Ja
- Wuja-Meenus
- Xal-Sisei
- Xijai-Teel
- Xil-Go
- Xugirus-Dimik

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Tamrielic argonian female names

Here are some unique tamrielic names.
- Argues-with-Frogs
- Ashen-Skinned
- Axe-Fist
- Barters-with-Wit
- Bathed-in-Light
- Bites-the-Branch
- Bitten-Once-Shy
- Black-Silk-Earth
- Blazing-Glory Blue-Bird
- Blue-Eyes Blue-Scale
- Born-Under-Stars
- Borrows-Trouble
- Branded-Heart
- Breezes-Whisper
- Changer-of-Minds
- Cherishes-Water
- City-Swimmer
- Coin-Hoarder
- Cooks-the-Meat
- Dances-with-Kwama
- Dawn-Scale Deca
- Dreams-in-Daylight
- Dreams-of-Honey-and-Gold
- Eats-To-Learn
- Egg-Face
- Eight-Feather-Tail
- Evening-Star-Rising
- Eyes-Like-Night
- Falls-with-Grace
- Fearless-Breath
- Fights-With-Tail
- Fixes-Poorly
- Follows-the-Sun
- From-Deepest-Fathoms
- Gathers-Dead-Things
- Gentle-Heart
- Jaxa-Kel
- Keema-Ru
- Last-to-Eat
- Leaps-Before-Looking
- Leaps-Over-Thistle
- Licks-Longfins
- Lifts-Her-Tail
- Lights-Sparks
- Looks-too-Long
- Loves-the-Water
- Makes-Many-Soups
- Makes-Many-Waves
- Many-Eyes
- Mind-of-Ice
- Moves-Like-Water
- Mysteries-of-Trees
- Names-the-Leaves
- Nimble-Knuckles
- Not-Really-Here
- One-Eye
- On-Staya Sundew
- Open-Hands
- Paints-the-Sky
- Pale-Heart
- Peers-Through-Glass
- Plays-In-Puddles
- Plucks-the-Coin
- Poor-Scales
- Quill-Weave
- Runs-in-Circles
- Seeks-Better-Deals
- Sees-All-Colors
- Shares-with-Many
- Sharp-Eye
- She-Who-Gleams
- Shiny-Trades
- Short-Tail Silver-Scales
- Sings-at-Dawn
- Sings-with-Frogs
- Sister-of-Wind
- Slow-at-Words
- Smiles-With-Knife
- Speaks-in-Tongues
- Spills-No-Drinks
- Strong-With-Tail
- Swims-to-Sea
- Takes-In-Light
- Tall-Trees-Falling
- Through-Gilded-Eyes
- Trips-Over-Dirt
- Under-Root
- Values-Many-Things
- Vos-Huruk
- Wakes-from-Hope
- Walks-in-Ash
- Wallows-In-Sand
- Warm-River
- Waters-the-Grass
- Way-with-Words
- Whispers-Loudly
- Wide-Eye
- Wine-For-All
- Wonders-at-Stars
- Xil-Go

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Elder scrolls argonian names with meaning

Below are some of the best argonian last names.
- Alexandros: The protector
- Alexian: To help
- Alexius: To defend
- Alexus: A caring man
- Augustian: To increase
- Claudius: Crippled
- Demetrius: Devoted to religions
- Diocleticus: Four great rulers
- Heracles: A glorious hero
- Hericus: Ruler of the home
- Heros: The leader
- Idolan: One who is idolized
- Julian: Youthful
- Julius: Bearded
- Neros: Vigorous
- Nerula: Fighter
- Pilian: Horse rider
- Tibian: Beautiful things
- Tiberius: Near the river
- Usha: Dawn
- Aphena: Goddess of knowledge
- Aphia: Most important
- Aphiana: New Beauty
- Aphina: Goddess of love
- Aphonia: Soundless
- Artiana: Very holy
- Artonia: Magical
- Athiana: War
- Athonia: A princess
- Demiana: Free half
- Hecena: Bright light
- Judiana: Benevolent
- Nikiana: White
- Perena: Eternal
- Peronia: Breath
- Tabiana: Luck
- Tabina: Illumination
- Terena: Earthly
- Teriana: Harvester
- Tyrina: Controller

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Funny argonian names

Funny names are always a good way to lighten up the mood. Here are some best argonian names for you to consider.
- Deeth-Lei Tikeerseene
- Weelides Taierlus
- Deeradeeh Ninaresh
- Banaeen Careeteus
- Mileen Pehrseus
- Wujeeen Peridaresh
- Tanate Nigoulus
- Pajeat Geelsion
- Beem-La Nefesion
- Dreet-Jei Tikeerdorees
- Haj-Ju Theorean
- Olink-Ei Magclesh
- Bur-Wazei Caleetius
- Tim-Tan Augusgulus
- Hulja Augeesdorus
- Aney-Meei Endoresareth
- Effe-Jush Camarush
- Chuian Cayseus
- Jee-Gei Pehrteus
- Derhei Geelmareen
- Peeiith Xeirdes
- Pajesh Taiersion
- Deehaava Caeteus
- Gishkatan Pelures
- Yinlius Perlus
- Alexacles Calision
- Beat-Your-Meat
- Go-Commit-Die
- I-Have-Crippling-Depression
- So-Guys-We-Did-It
- Not-Funny-Didn't-Laugh
- Shut-The-F*ck-Up
- Me-And-The-Boys
- Pay-With-Your-Blood
- Thank-You-Kind-Sir
- Why-Are-We-Still-Here
- Why-Are-You-Running
- Git-Gud
- Shadows-Dies-A-Lot
- Choke-Me-Daddy
- A-Bit-Closer-To-Sovngarde
- What-In-The-Goddamn
- Okay-Master-Let's-Kill-Da-Ho
- I-Must-Consult-With-The-Nine-Divines
- Kill-It-With-Fire
- I-Have-The-High-Ground
How do argonian names work?
Argonian names fall into three categories; Single-word, Hyphenated, and Tamrielic. If an argonian is born in the Black Marsh and drinks the Hist Sap, they will fall into the first two categories, and if their usual name is inappropriate or born outside of the marsh, they will be given a Tamrielic name.

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Why are argonian names so weird?
Unlike humans, who are given a name at or before birth, argonians are usually given no name at all.
Argonian names are distinctive and always seem great, but you will need to be more imaginative to come up with a lovely name that fits your character.
READ ALSO: Male and female tiefling names: find a fitting name for your character recently published an article on male and female tiefling names for your character. Tieflings are noted for their ambiguous nature as half-human, half-animal beings with incredible knowledge and strength.
Take a look at some excellent tiefling names to consider.