15+ People Who Dont Want to Pretend They Believe in Christmas Miracles Anymore

Posted by Kelle Repass on Thursday, August 15, 2024
  • In 2009, for the first time in 30 years, I had to celebrate the New Year at home because I got a little sick. Fruits, chocolate, my sofa, pajamas, and TV. I congratulated everyone on the phone and everyone congratulated me. I liked it so much that in the following years, I consciously didn’t go anywhere.© Olive Bor / facebook

  • I am also beginning to dislike this holiday. It’s connected to my husband’s attitude toward the New Year. To be more precise, he doesn’t care about it at all. In the early years of my marriage, out of habit, I thought about what to cook and what to buy, until he dumbfounded me with the fact that he wouldn’t eat anything anyway after 12 a.m. This thought somehow stuck in my head. Last time, I cooked nothing, except for duck and a salad. There is no one who’d eat it anyway. Our budget is tight. © patapoo / pikabu

  • I don’t believe in magic anymore — wishes never come true, nothing changes, except for the date. I used to bother with a new outfit, dishes, gifts, and I was afraid that I wouldn’t have time to decorate the Christmas tree. In the last few years, there has been no snow, and the winter is warm. This also affects the lack of a good mood for New Year’s for me. In general, for me, it has become a routine formality. And in general, the New Year is more of a children’s holiday. © red \\ maris / “Yandex. Kew”

  • I’ve never been to a huge New Year’s party. I am an introvert, and the idea of going to a place with huge amounts of people sounds exhausting. One year, my best friend and I just hung out at her house talking and watching a movie. Another year, my mom and I had a Grey’s Anatomy marathon and we watched the whole first season and didn’t go to sleep until 4 a.m. My husband categorically refuses to go to bed until midnight, so I just text with my friends or watch a movie. © Mia House / quora

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