Back when my great uncle was alive I used to go and buy these books about cowboys, Indians, and the like. Being an elderly man, he never really got much of a chance to go out and buy these sorts of things although he loved reading and Westerns a lot. One day, I noticed that he’d began to re-read some of his old books, because he didn’t have any new ones. I thought about it for a bit and came up with a plan. Every time I’d go to the newsstand from then on, I’d buy 2 books. After getting a few, I’d bundle them up, go to his house, drop them on the doorstep, ring the bell, and run. When I’d visit him later in the week he’d always relay his theory about who was doing it, and how he was going to catch them. I only got to do it a few times before he passed away, but I’ll never forget the smile on his face as he talked about “The Book Bandit.” © CrazyMcCookie / Reddit
I saw a very beautiful dog. It was sad, hungry, and its paw was broken. There were no people around, and I sat next to the dog and started crying. After that, I went online and started looking for the owners. And I found them! They answered my call and said they would pick the dog up soon. I asked my colleague to bring my backpack, I gave the dog all the food I had, and now I’m happy she’s going home. She’s doing great and her paw is healing. © yadeathcoree / Twitter
I was coming back home from doing work up North. I had a long connection (19 hours), so I went for a walk, went to a market, and realized all my money was gone. Someone had cut my bag and stole it. I was shocked. No money, no tickets, and I knew nobody in the city. So, I had a crazy idea — ask someone to lend me money. I saw a young woman with her daughter. So, I went up to her and told her my story. I asked her for some money for my trip and promised to give it back to her once I got home. She told me to wait while she went home. When she came back, she gave me $100. She said, “My husband and I are saving money, I hope you are not lying.” I couldn’t believe my eyes, took the money, and the next day, when I got home, I transferred her the money right away. © Oblomingo88 / Pikabu