18 People Share the Creepiest Things Kids Have Said to Them and We Got Goosebumps

Posted by Kelle Repass on Sunday, August 25, 2024

Years ago I helped part time at a little café as a cashier. A woman came in I just knew she was pregnant and said congratulations! Then she asked why and I said because she was pregnant. The woman with her, probably her mom, got angry with me and told me I was wrong. That her daughter was infertile and me telling her that was appalling. She asked the manager to fire me for being inconsiderate and I was sent home for 2 days. I then got a phone call from my manager saying to come back to work immediately so I went.

I get there, see the two women again and both had huge smiles on their faces. They had just found out she was pregnant. A miracle pregnancy. She brought in her newborn baby 8 months later to show me, my last day at that job.
