6 Subtle Signs Your Partners Body Language Shows Theyre Losing Respect for You

Posted by Martina Birk on Monday, August 5, 2024

Your gut feeling might be right when you feel that something’s off with your relationship, but you can't put your finger on it. Sometimes, it’s not what your partner says, but how they act that reveals the truth. Body language is a powerful tool that can show what words might be hiding. Understanding your partner’s body language can help you spot these red flags before things get worse.

1. They blink too much.

Excessive blinking often means someone is uncomfortable or dislikes what they’re seeing or hearing, and use it as a way to avoid direct eye contact. Your partner might also blink too often if they feel superior, almost as if they’re saying, “I don’t even want to look at you because you’re not on my level.”

If they blink slowly or hold their eyes closed for a bit longer, it could mean they’re really not happy with what you’re saying or doing. This longer blink is like a non-verbal way of showing disapproval or acting like they’re too good to engage with you.

2. They’re too close.

Priscilla Grant/Everett Collection/East News

We all have our own personal space, and we don't like others getting too close when we're in it. Sometimes, though, you might notice that your partner invades your personal space at the wrong times.

It's normal for them to get close during romantic moments, but during an argument, they should give you some space. If they start getting right up in your face during fights, towering over you, that's definitely not okay and shows a lack of respect.

3. Their smile is fake.

Elizabeth Goodenough/Everett Collection/East News

Watch out for smiles that don’t reach their eyes. If their smile looks tight or only involves their mouth, it could be a sign that they are not genuinely happy to be around you. A real smile often comes with squinting or slightly closed eyes, and you'll see little wrinkles around the eyes too. In a real smile, the muscles around your eyes tighten up, but in a fake smile, it's mostly just the cheek muscles that are working.

4. They sigh too often.

Frequent sighing can be a gentle, empathetic sign that someone is bearing emotional weight or discomfort in your presence. If they sigh often when you’re together, it might indicate they're feeling emotionally strained or uneasy.

5. Their feet are pointed away.

When someone's feet aren't facing you during a conversation, it’s a subtle sign that they might not be fully interested in what you're saying. If their feet are pointed away, it often means they’re not totally engaged, might feel uncomfortable, or are even thinking about leaving.

For example, if their feet are angled towards a door or another person, it could show that their attention is elsewhere or that they’re ready to end the interaction.

6. They’re leaning away.

When your partner is around you, the way they position themselves can reveal how interested they are at that moment. If you're talking to them and notice they lean away or step back, especially while looking away, it’s a sign they’re losing interest in the conversation. This usually means they want more space from you or don’t like what was just said.

If you find yourself falling head over heels for someone without really knowing them, constantly thinking about them, or letting your mood depend entirely on whether they called you today, you might be dealing with unhealthy emotional dependence. In this article, we reveal how to recognize toxic relationships at the very beginning.

Preview photo credit Priscilla Grant/Everett Collection/East News, Elizabeth Goodenough/Everett Collection/East News
