Biden Is Much More Popular Than Trump Around the World

Posted by Patria Henriques on Monday, August 26, 2024

Former President Donald Trump is widely disliked abroad, both in comparison to President Joe Biden and the Republican Party, illustrating a potential foreign relations pitfall should he win back the White House in 2024, according to Morning Consult survey data from 17 countries.

The global community’s antipathy for Trump could come back to bite the GOP

Views of the United States rose sharply across much of the world immediately after Biden’s 2020 victory and subsequent inauguration in 2021. Foreign policy experts say views of the United States could again take a nosedive if Trump is re-elected in 2024. Comparing Trump’s poor favorability numbers abroad to views of the Republican Party shows that the GOP would likely further damage its public opinion in key ally countries and sap considerable goodwill in developing countries if it renominates him for president in 2024.

Obviously, views among foreign nationals matter little to campaign strategists trying to maximize the GOP’s chances at retaking the White House. But should they prove successful in re-electing Trump, his reputation abroad will help define the scope of his foreign policy options. Allied leaders in Europe and Asia may think twice about following the lead of a U.S. president that their own voters can’t stand, potentially harming the United States’ ability to lead on the global stage.

The Morning Consult surveys were conducted Oct. 14-18, Oct. 26-29, Nov. 16-21 and Dec. 15-30, 2022, among a representative sample of 1,000 adults in each country, with unweighted margins of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
