
Chat show wars: So old, Graham Norton!

When So Graham Norton launched on channel 4 in 1998 it was considered a radical new show for the internet generation. He was flamboyantly gay, guests were an eclectic mix of reality TV stars and ageing soap stars and the inventive format involved large doses of audience participation, weird websites and sexual innuendo.

Chayce Beckham Looks to the Future on New Single "Tell Me Twice"

TALENTRECAP.COM Singing American Idol Justin D. Jenkins is a writer and host for Talent Recap. He is a lover of all things reality T.V. and likes to consider himself a wine connoisseur. Justin was born and raised in New York and is a dedicated storyteller who loves to be creative in his spare time. He

Cool argonian names: find the perfect name for your character

Argonians are a well-known lizard-people race in fantasy worlds. They are covered in scales, sometimes adorned with feathers or horns and a wide, long tail. They also have a long and illustrious history in the Elder Scrolls universe. Argonian names are a fantastic way to encourage you to be more creative when naming your character.

DJ Spinall - Edi ft. Reminisce: video, lyrics, reactions

Do you love dancing? Catch the latest track by DJ Spinall - Edi on YouTube and move your body in response to the tune. The new jam titled Edi is a moderate tempo tune that has an addictive ring to it. The beats are impossible to ignore too.

Du or Sie? A guide to formal vs. informal you in German

In your very first conversation with a German, you will need to decide whether to address them with du or Sie. These, respectively, are the informal and formal ways to say you in German. But not all German learners are familiar with the concept of formal and informal address. Even Germans themselves sometimes have trouble