
50+ fun websites to go on when you're bored and dont know what to do

The internet is an amazing place because it fulfils our curiosities, interests and hunger for knowledge. It is the best way to cure boredom. There are numerous fun websites you can visit whenever you are tired of catching up with people on social media.

7 Reasons Why Lefties Are Truly One of a Kind

Inancient times, instinctively carrying out all activities with the left hand (such aseating, drawing, gesturing, waving, oreven throwing aball) was frowned upon, and could beconsidered strange oreven evil. Fortunately, times have changed, and research has been conducted todiscover what lies behind the predominant use ofone side ofour body, making this topic more and more interesting.

7 Shockingly Easy Nail Designs You Can Totally Do at Home

Aswomen, most ofus can agree that there isnothing better than the feeling ofgetting our nails done. Many ofus enjoy going tothe salon for amanicure, but sometimes the cost adds upquickly.

A Girl, 15, Who Caught a 101-lb Catfish Alone, Breaks Societal Limitations in Sport Fishing

Onaseemingly ordinary day onthe Ohio River, 15-year-old Jaylynn Parker made history byreeling inacolossal 101-pound blue catfish, smashing the Ohio state record. This remarkable feat transcended gender norms insports fishing, showcasing the prowess ofyoung women inthis arena.

After Starring in 49 Movies Sandra Bullock Is Retiring, Making Us Miss Her Already

With acareer spanning over 3decades and many iconic roles, Sandra Bullock has managed tocharm all ofus. And although her latest movie, The Lost City, was amassive box office hit, this might just bethe perfect time torewatch your favorite movies ofhers. At57years old, Sandra Bullock has announced her temporary retirement from acting.