
20 Times When a Trip to the Beauty Salon Was Everything but Beautiful

Wegotobeauty salons for abit ofpampering and, most importantly, tolook good. But were not always pleased with the outcome. Itmay happen that wedont see eye toeye with the stylist, and they dosomething completely different from what wewere expecting.

20+ Photos That Prove Our Grannies Were a New Level of Awesome

Some may think our grandparents had apretty boring life, probably because they didnt have the Internet, social media, smartphones, orother cool stuff weenjoy today. But inall honesty, they were actually super cool people who did unbelievable things.

26Photos ofPoodles That Made UsFall inLove With These Fluffy Cuties

They can belarge, they can besuper-tiny, and nomatter their size, they are always cute and adorable. But dont befooled bytheir fancy hairstyles, there was atime when dogs ofthis breed were considered working dogs. Poodles were trained tohelp hunters toretrieve ducks and other birds from the water. These days they dont need toworry about earning their

30+ Ways to Tell a Regular Girl From a True Lady

There are very few true ladies out there. Theyre well-educated, well-mannered, well-groomed, they respect other people and themselves, and theyre kind and calm. And, ofcourse, they know etiquette rules which allow them tofeel confident inany group ofpeople and manage toavoid alot ofawkward situations.

6 Actors Who Couldve Played Our Favorite Characters on Friends

Friends hadus glued toourTV screens for years and people never stopped rocking that famous haircut known asThe Rachel thanks tothe character played byJennifer Aniston. The main characters onFriends were incredibly memorable, and its abig reason why the show became amassive hit. But the show may not have been assuccessful ifits characters were played byadifferent cast