Elvis Ex: What Is Priscilla Presley Net Worth and How Did She Build an Empire

Posted by Patria Henriques on Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Priscilla Presley, forever linked to the legendary Elvis Presley, has carved her own path in the entertainment industry. Beyond being the King of Rock and Roll’s former wife, Priscilla has built an empire that extends far beyond the shadow of her famous ex-husband. In this article, we delve Priscilla Presley net worth, journey, and the remarkable ways she transformed her life.

The complete time line of their relationship

Cinema Publishers Collection / The Hollywood Archive / Photoshot / East News

Let’s dive into the timeline of her relationship with Elvis before we get into Priscilla Presley net worth. The star was already a pop-culture sensation by the time he joined the US Army. He had released three studio albums and filmed four movies, including ’Jailhouse Rock’.

Priscilla first encountered Elvis’ music three years prior, when she was 11 and living in West Germany with her mother, siblings, and stepfather, who was stationed in the Air Force there.

In her 1985 essay for People, Priscilla wrote, «When we met, I was an impressionable 14-year-old, and he was 24.» According to a 2023 interview with Business Insider, Priscilla described Elvis as «handsomer than he appeared in films, younger and more vulnerable looking with his GI haircut.»

She explained that despite being only 14 at the time, she felt older in life and that was what attracted her to him.

Priscilla shared that they first met at a party hosted by one of Elvis’ friends, Currie Grant, who was in the Air Force. This is also why she was able to attend the party in the first place.

In March 1960, Elvis left Germany and returned to the US after spending several months with Priscilla. Of the night before Elvis went back to the US, Priscilla wrote for People in 1985, «It was March 1, 1960, the night before Elvis was to leave Germany to return to the States. We were lying on his bed, our arms around each other. I was in a state of complete despair.»

Priscilla was wondering if she would ever see him again or be in his arms the way she had been nearly every night for the past six months. «I could not bear the thought of the night ending and us saying goodbye for what I thought would be the last time. I wept and wept,» she continued. «For the two days after Elvis left, I locked myself in my room, unable to eat, unable to sleep.»

In a June 2022 video for Vogue, Priscilla reminisced on the outfit (pictured above) she wore to say goodbye to Elvis. «One request that he asked, that I not be teary-eyed. So, you see me smiling here. There are other pictures where I am down and looking away,» she said.

In the summer of 1962, Priscilla’s parents kindly allowed her to make a two-week visit to Elvis, who she was very excited to see. At the last minute, they decided to travel to Las Vegas instead of the previously agreed upon location of Los Angeles.

«My parents became confused and bewildered by our relationship. We tried to make them believe that it was proper and platonic, and they wanted to believe me. Whenever they tried to stop us from seeing each other, I pleaded and cried and made them and myself miserable. In retrospect, I don’t think anything could have stopped me from seeing Elvis,» Priscilla wrote in People in 1985.

When the idea of a trip was brought up, Priscilla’s father requested that they wait until she was on summer vacation. He also asked that Elvis send her a first-class round-trip ticket, provide an itinerary of her daily activities for the two weeks she’d be in Los Angeles, ensure that she was constantly chaperoned, and that she write her parents every day. Elvis agreed to all these requests, and Priscilla made the trip.

However, Elvis and Priscilla ended up traveling to Las Vegas the next day. She even pre-wrote letters from Los Angeles to be sent every day while she was in Vegas.

They would occasionally reunite when Elvis invited her to the United States. This went on for several years before they eventually got married. Those years left Priscilla feeling as if time stood still as she eagerly awaited Elvis’s sporadic calls and counted down the days until their next meeting. During this time, she couldn’t escape the rumors circulating about Elvis’s romantic involvements with other women, ranging from neighbors to celebrities.

Elvis proposed to Priscilla in 1966, and they exchanged vows in Las Vegas on May 1, 1967. «It was a surprise,» she said. «He got on his knee with a gift behind his back and told me to close my eyes. Of which I did and then told me to open them, and he presented me with a beautiful engagement ring.»

In a 1973 interview with Ladies Home Journal, Priscilla explained that she hadn’t really wanted to get married, but society expected it.

«Even though we were perfectly content the way we were, at that time it wasn’t nice for people to live together,» she reflected.

It’s clear that Elvis loved Priscilla very much, and he wanted to make her his wife, despite the potential scandal. Over time, Priscilla underwent some changes to become the perfect partner for Elvis. She even described herself as «Elvis’s living doll

These changes included getting porcelain dental caps, refining her posture, dyeing her hair black, and styling it in an updo to match the image of the King.

Their only daughter, Lisa Marie, was born nine months to the day after their wedding. «On February 1, 1968, I woke up at about eight o’clock and realized that labor had begun,» Priscilla told the Orlando Sentinel in 1985. «Our daughter, Lisa Marie, was born at 5:01 that afternoon.»

«Elvis came into the room and kissed me, thrilled that we had a perfectly normal, healthy baby. He was already in love with her. He watched me holding her and his eyes misted with happiness. Then he took us both in his arms and held us,» she said.

«The man in my hospital room that day was the man I loved and will always love. He didn’t have to try to be strong and decisive or sexy; he wasn’t afraid to show his warmth or vulnerability. He didn’t have to act the part of Elvis Presley, superstar. He was just a man, my husband,» Priscilla added.

However, Priscilla felt Elvis’ interest in her waned after she became a mother. Much like before their marriage, he continued to have romantic entanglements with other women. Priscilla frequently discovered love letters addressed to her husband. Over time, she had the realization that she could no longer wait at home for him.

She said, «My life was his life. He had to be happy. My problems were secondary. I want to grow. I want to do things.»

The pressure to live up to her husband’s expectations tired Priscilla. She openly admitted that she never appeared before him without makeup and never dressed in his presence because he preferred to see the finished look.

In 1972, Priscilla informed Elvis of her decision to leave him. This led to their subsequent divorce and a joint custody arrangement for their daughter. Priscilla blossomed as a newly single woman. She worked to take control of her own life.

Meanwhile, Elvis struggled with financial problems. He had several romantic relationships and even proposed to Ginger Alden after his divorce from Priscilla. However, they never planned to get married. Tragically, Elvis was found dead on August 16, 1977. He was 42 years old.

Priscilla was devastated by the news and found it almost impossible to accept. She had hoped that Elvis would have taken refuge in a hospital, hidden away from the public eye for a while, and that he would return at some point. She later revealed, «It was shocking. Like the world, only a million times more.»

Oscar Abolafia / Everett Collection / East News

Priscilla and Elvis maintained a close relationship despite the divorce and strains in their marriage. She fondly recalls how he would reach out to her to share his troubles; each call was a treasured moment for her. After her divorce, Priscilla embarked on a career as an actress and a successful businesswoman. Although she never remarried, she did have a long-term relationship. This resulted in the birth of her son, Navarone.

Priscilla opened Graceland to tourists. She did this to preserve the legacy of the home they once shared as a family. In this way, she was able to pay taxes and bills without the need for a sale of the cherished property.

Graceland has since become the second most visited residence in the United States, trailing only the White House in popularity. Priscilla remains dedicated to preserving the fond memories of her ex-husband. She actively participates in events celebrating his music and still refers to him as «the love of her life.»

Jordan Strauss / Invision / East News

Their divorce in 1973 marked a turning point for Priscilla.

Priscilla and Elvis were married for six years. According to Celebrity Net Worth, when they divorced in October 1973, she received a one-time payment of $725,000. In addition, Priscilla was awarded spousal and child support, 5 percent of Elvis’ royalties and half the money from the sale of their home. For what it’s worth, Priscilla and Elvis remained close friends after the split.

In addition to producing numerous movies, Presley also launched a fragrance line, a clothing line, and skincare products in the late 1990s. Her perfumes appear to be available on Amazon, or at least available for resale.

She also served on the Board of Directors of MGM and has several acting credits to her name, including a long-running role on Dallas as Jenna Wade Krebbs. After five seasons, she departed the show and went on to star in three Naked Gun movies.

In 1985, Priscilla Presley published a best-selling book about her life with Elvis, aptly titled Elvis and Me. This book serves as the basis for Coppola’s new movie. It’s worth noting that Priscilla is also an executive producer of the film.

Priscilla Presley net worth is complicated.

Recognizing the potential of Graceland, Elvis’s Memphis mansion, she took the reins of its management in 1972. Her vision transformed Graceland from a private residence into a cultural landmark.

She oversaw renovations, curated exhibits, and spearheaded marketing initiatives, ultimately turning Graceland into one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States.


Presley’s net worth is somewhat complicated following the untimely death of her daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, who inherited Elvis’ estate. The family went through some drama regarding an amendment to Lisa Marie’s will that transferred ownership of Graceland and Elvis’ intellectual property rights, which The Hollywood Reporter noted «may generate future revenue for her heirs in the form of postmortem book deals and movies.»

Priscilla’s grandchildren — Riley Keough and her half-sisters, Harper and Finley Lockwood — inherited Graceland from their mother after her death in January. But later that month, Presley filed a petition to contest her daughter’s will. The situation was said to be very chaotic, but the good news?

In May 2023, Presley and Keough settled, and a source told Us Weekly that «Riley and Priscilla are at peace in their relationship after the very stressful ordeal over Lisa Marie’s trust and estate.» Keough confirmed as much in an interview with Vanity Fair.

So what did the settlement consist of? Presley received a payment of $1 million, plus an additional sum of up to $400,000 to cover her legal fees. On top of that, she was retained as a «special adviser» to the Promenade Trust and will be paid $100,000 annually. Additionally, Presley secured herself a Graceland burial, near her ex, daughter, and late grandson Benjamin Keough.

In June, Presley shared a photo of her grandchildren on Instagram. They are on good terms.

As of the latest estimates, Priscilla Presley’s net worth stands at an impressive $60 million. Her diversified career as an actor, businesswoman, and guardian of Elvis’s legacy propelled her toward remarkable success.

She remains an American icon, not just as Elvis’s ex-wife, but as a shrewd entrepreneur who turned her love for the King of Rock and Roll into a thriving empire.

The Hollywood Archive / Hollywood Archive / Photoshot / East News, CJLA / Broadimage / Broad Image / East News

Priscilla Presley’s journey from young love to business mogul exemplifies resilience, creativity, and the ability to transform adversity into opportunity. Her legacy extends far beyond her marriage to Elvis, proving that sometimes, the best chapters come after the spotlight fades. Join us in our upcoming dive deeper into the intricate relationship of Elvis and Priscilla Presley, where each revelation promises to rewrite the narrative of their legendary love, while also exploring Priscilla Presley net worth and her remarkable achievements beyond her iconic marriage.
