Gen Z Spending and Finance Trends

Posted by Patria Henriques on Sunday, August 25, 2024

Gen Z is stressed out about their finances. So, they’re working to establish good money habits now.

They may be young, but Gen Zers’ lives have already been riddled with financial obstacles, including record high inflation and bloated education costs. These challenges are compounding concerns about housing, gas and grocery prices and many say they are only scraping by financially.

Yet, they’re optimistic for the future. More than 6 in 10 Gen Zers say they are hopeful about their financial future and a majority think they’ll do better financially than their parents. That’s because many are already saving — and investing.

Still, they wouldn’t be Gen Z if they didn’t have some behaviors that could shake up many industries, like how they want to shop online over in stores, a break from their older counterparts, and when and how they plan on retiring.

We surveyed roughly 1,000 Gen Z respondents between the ages of 13 and 26, seeking to better understand how they feel about their finances, spend money, save money and plan for the future.
