
11 Beauty Myths That Make Us Look Worse

Beauty requires sacrifice and inorder tostay beautiful, wereadily make these sacrifices. However, asitturns out, many habitual actions and beliefs for sustaining aperfect appearance are actually not that necessary. Moreover, many ofthem not only waste our time and money but also damage our looks.

15 Celebrity Siblings That Have Big Age Gaps

Many celebrities, like some ofus, have been lucky enough tohave siblings with whom toshare their life orpart ofit. Who could imagine, for example, that aMarvel Avenger would spend aSaturday afternoon helping his brother with his homework? Well, thats the case ofmany celebs youve probably seen inmovies orheard onthe radio, especially those that have siblings with

17 Gorgeous Wolfdogs We Want to Hug and Never Let Go

Inorder for awolfdog tobeborn, adomesticated dog and awolf have tomate. The combination ofthese 2means that the dog can bekept asapet, but itwill usually have avery aggressive temperament. However, they can easily betamed like domesticated dogs oreven used asguard dogs ifthey gothrough arigorous training regimen.

18 common gestures around the world

Have you ever thought about how much communication is non-verbal? From body language to tone of voice, the way we express ourselves goes way beyond the words we use. A huge part of that non-verbal communication across cultures and countries is hand gesturesthose movements and symbols we make to emphasize or clarify our statements and

20Fantastic Tattoos That Make Birthmarks and Scars Come Alive

Many people dont like their birthmarks and scars, especially ifthey attract too much attention and cause too many questions. Some even try tohide their flaws under clothes. But tattoo artists can really help these people bycovering these scars and birthmarks oradding elegant details.