
20 Magical Things From the Harry Potter Universe That Actually Exist in Real Life

Itisvery likely that, asachild, you believed the magic ofthe Harry Potter universe could appear inreal life. You may have even been one ofthe many who waited for that Hogwarts entrance letter onyour eleventh birthday. Likewise, itisalso very possible that you believed many ofthe things that happened inthe books and movies were magical when, infact, they

33 cutest anime cats: most popular kitties from films and shows

There are plenty of cat characters that have taken the anime world by storm. They are not only cute, but they are also intelligent. They come in the form of supporting characters or even the main character, captivating anime fans worldwide. These are some of the cutest anime cats of all time from popular TV

63 morning Saturday blessings to send to your family and friends

The best way to start your Saturday is by sending some morning blessings to your loved ones. Whether you are spending the day together or apart, these Saturday blessings will remind them that you are thinking about them and wish them all the best. So why not kick off your weekend with a smile by

7 Actors Who Were Considered Too Ugly or Too Pretty for a Role

More attractive people tend tobemore successful inlife, psychologists say. Sometimes, though, beauty may end upbecoming, not ahelpful tool, but anobstacle. While several actors inour compilation did not get arole because producers considered them not attractive enough, the others were said tobetoo beautiful for certain parts. And honestly, wedont know whats worse.

8 Celebrities Whose Special Kids Brought Joy Into Their Lives

Being aparent onits own can bechallenging. But raising kids with special needs isaneven greater challenge. Noparent isready toreceive anunwelcoming diagnosis for their child, and staying positive inthese situations can behard. But the unconditional and pure love children give has the power tomake all your worries and fears fade away.