
What is an industry plant? Definition and examples of artists who've been accused

For a long time, the entertainment industry has been full of shady business deals. A lot has been going on behind the curtains, with the audience only enjoying the result of backroom decisions that music and film executives make. While it is difficult to accept, many artists you celebrate today did not grow and gain

What would make the UK safer for women, according to women?

Sarah Everards killing in March prompted vigils, protests, and debates on womens safety. New YouGov data shows that women overwhelmingly feel not enough is being done to ensure their safety and that men in particular should do more.

Why Traffic Jams Sometimes Form for No Reason

Road trips are fun, but sometimes you find yourself stuck onthe road for hours! There seems tobenoreason. Its like atraffic jam coming out ofnowhere tospoil your journey. Lets find out more about these miles-long car queues.

10 Things You Can Learn in Less Than 10 Minutes but Use for the Rest of Your Life

While the whole world adores superheroes who save the world without messing upahair, wesuggest you take alook atordinary people who are even cooler. They know how tosave you from anunexpected sneeze inthe middle ofafamily dinner, and they are able tofix abroken zipper and thread aneedle faster than you can blink. These are the superpowers wereally

10 Ways Your Body May Be Telling You Somethings Wrong

Adesire tochew ice ortoeat something salty all the time can beasign ofadeeper problem oralack ofminerals and vitamins, specialists say. Thats why its always agood idea topay attention toany new developing habits, especially ifthey arise suddenly from out ofnowhere.