Corey Cesare
Corey Cesare is Talent Recap's Managing Editor and featured YouTube Host. She has a love of all things pop culture and an unhealthy obsession with celebrities. Corey earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism and Cinema/Screen Studies from the State University of New York at Oswego in 2021. She spends her spare time shooting astro, nature, and portrait photography, and coming up with movie ideas that she hopes to make into a film someday.
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| September 20, 2021 SIGN IN TO SAVE POST

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This is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill. John Legend will not be singing to contestants this season as a way to win them over. His singing streak is truly coming to an end with a brand new coach gift. Legend premiered his new coach gift, a robe, during week one of the blind auditions of The Voice.
I seriously didn’t think Legend would ever ditch his iconic on the spot song writing. Normally, he writes a song in front of the coaches and artist. He then would go on to perform it and typically people would choose his team because they thought the song was funny, or maybe they were star-struck.
This year instead, he showed the world his new gift, which I didn’t even believe was true at first. The gift is a giant robe that has the word “Legend” with stars all over it. Legend thought he found a connection with Jonathan Mouton, the first member of Team Legend. The robe is quite stylish, if I do say so myself.
Even though this robe gives off total MMA fighter vibes, it’s unclear if Legend truly meant it that way or not. Legend is really just a celebrity that is reported to have a large robe collection. His wife, Chrissy Teigen, is constantly posting on social media wearing nothing but a robe.
It seems like his coach gift of the year is a mix of one of his favorite clothing choices, and a the theme of the show being a fight. These gifts to me seemed very similar to Kelly Clarkson’s turquoise jerseys she premiered in the early release video.
Soon after Mouton left the stage, Blake Shelton said that the Legend robes would be soon found in Goodwill. Although Shelton has a big voice, he has yet to show off his coach gift of the year. So far, Ariana Grande, Kelly Clarkson, and now Legend have premiered their coach gifts this season.
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